Friday, January 29, 2010


It is snowing in Raleigh. During the winter, this is occasionally forecasted, and every single time, the crazy southerners (ok, I'm a southerner at heart) run out to the grocery store to get milk, bread, and beer. Now, the beer I can understand. But why milk? Maybe if you have a baby or just eat an inordinate amount of cereal, but otherwise.... really?

This phenomenon occurs even when the forcasted "snow" only ends up being rain. Which brings up another subject entirely - I think meteorologists have one of the few jobs where they can constantly be wrong, and still keep their jobs. No snow? Oh, well, you know, by snow, what I meant was rain. Didn't make it to 65 degrees today? I meant to say 50 as the high.

However, tonight, the snow started almost exactly when the weather man said it would. The snow is still coming down, and there's no end in sight. It's beautiful. And I love it.

My plan for tomorrow is to bake some fantastic banana bread (one loaf with chocolate chips for an extra special treat), find every chick flick that we own, and watch them all! I think it sounds divine. Enjoy the snow, and stay warm!

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